Monday, August 2, 2010

Practicing my photoshop skillz

So K (the husband) wanted me to create this goof off website for him... and his best friend is the center of attention. I dabble in photoshop so he had me photoshop his friend's picture into all sorts of weird pics. Here are the few I've done so far. They crack me up! :P I guess the lesson learned, befriending K can be scary! :D haha!

And to be fair, I'll post the goofy pic I photoshopped of K:

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rose Marie's Bijouterie

Today's give away is from Rose Marie's Bijouterie. Check out her website here:

Enter to win here:

Good luck!

Monday, August 24, 2009


WOOHOO! I won the "Sneak a roos" from Today's Give Away! From my entry for posting it on my blog. How awesome is that! Funny thing is, Xan has recently grown out of his shoes so I've been looking for new ones to buy. This saves me from having to buy a navy pair. Yes!


Friday, August 21, 2009

Sneak a Roos

Today's give away is "Sneak A Roos" Shoes. So stinkin' cute. Go check them out Here and enter the contest Here.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I'm back in school...

I am officially enrolled in college once again! I'm so excited. I will be taking 3 classes, online. Since I probably can't quit my job at the PO till sept or oct. I will be taking Fundamentals of Algebra (cause I can't remember any math from school), English Comp. 2, and Western Civ. 2. I'm excited about the WC2 because I've been so interested in European history lately. Wish me luck that I can pass with good grades.

I've learned that even though I want to do pre-med, they don't have an "official" pre med bach. degree, so I kind of have to fudge it. Basically, I'll graduate with some kind of business degree, or anything I want, but I have to take all the required science and math classes. TONS of science classes, which is ok. I'm a bit nervous about them, but hopefully I'll do ok.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

sewing bug

Help! I'm addicted to sewing lately and I can't stop! :P In the past 2 weeks I've made the following for Miss A: white swing top blouse w/ flower pin, navy capris, khaki 2 layer ribbon skirt, and a navy full-gathered-skirt jumper. Boring colors I know, but since she has to wear uniforms this year, I thought I'd try to fancy up the drab wardrobe with some of my own creations. They are all very simple and I guess you could say contemporary styled. I don't like a lot of "fluff". I reworked the store bought patterns almost completely though. All in the vain effort to create cleaner, internal, seams. Sad thing is, yes it looks really sharp, but no one can tell how much work you put into it. Not like some fancy stitch work that totally shows off. Nope, it's all hidden away inside the garment. That's ok, I did it to give A a bit more comfort because she hates itchy gathered seams.

I also made another sling. Pink, green and yellow big flowers. Totally girly to carry around that sweet Miss S. All my slings that I made for X are too big anyway. Woohoo!

Monday, July 27, 2009

New babies!

I'd been having baby cravings, but thankfully my friends are kind enough to have babies and let me hang out with them. Phew! Saves me from the trouble. :P

Today was the first day of watching one of my friends two little girls. A's best friend B, and the new one, Miss S, who is 3 weeks old. I just love having them over. I will be watching S full time during the school year, so I get to watch her grow up. I swear this is better than having my own. I get to send her home for the evening. :D

My other friend, who's baby K is now 3 mo. old, is just cute as a button. She is my Godchild, my first. :D Even though I'm not catholic, who cares! She is getting so chunky and has the sweetest smile. It'll be great once S is big enough, since the girls are close in age, I can take her over to play with K.